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nock files

String nock files for making bows

When I first started making bows, the best instructions that I could find said to use a "6" rat tail file" for cutting in the string nocks at the limb tips. The 6" file made a pretty wide string groove…

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HAMMER Hybrid Longbow-footed riser

Five common styles of longbow grips

It might seem like there are a million different types of longbow grips/handles, but I think they can easily be classified in five categories of common styles: 1) straight or “Hill”-style, 2) dished, 3) humped, 4) locator, and 5) sculpted/recurve…

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Daniel shooting

Thoughts about bow balance and vibration

I have developed a little different theory about bow balance than what seems to be understood and taught in most archery books, articles, and what you read on most archery forums. Most people are just doing what they have been…

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Simple osage bow kit

How to make a simple bow

When I was a young boy, my brothers and I used to make a bow out of a hardwood stick and a piece of string. This was always a fun project. Sometimes I like just messing around and decide to…

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Buffalo horn tips

How to install buffalo horn overlays on limb tips

Here’s a build along for adding buffalo horn overlays to your limb tips. I think they look great and make a good bow look even better. There's just something about polished horn on a trad bow that makes it look really professional. Adding layers of horn, antler, or linen phenolic to your limb tips will make your bow limb tips more durable for use with high performance strings, stronger to avoid scratches and denting by rough use while hunting, plus...they just look fantastic.

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Grip and shelf locations

Grip and shelf location

A question that appears often in many of the internet bow making forums is "Where should I locate the grip and shelf on my bow?" I'm sure there are as many opinions about this as there are bowyers, so I'll…

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